Macura Instruments
English version
Products and Solutions
Reference List - Isolation AmplifiersOEZ Letohrad s.r.o. - power fuses testing laboratory
4-channel isolation amplifier for monitoring power fuses testsZkusebnictvi a.s. - high power testing laboratory
ISO-4NP 4-channel isolation amplifier instrument for monitoring during high power circuit breakers testsEGU Praha a.s. - high voltage testing laboratory
12-channel isolation amplifier for transformer monitoring in the Dukovany nuclear plant. The system has been used since 1996 in the continuous day-and-night operation. 60 measuring channels delivered since 1996 till 2006PSP Pohony a.s., Prerov
6-channel isolation amplifierVUT Brno - Institute of power instruments
4-channel isolation amplifier
2-channel isolation amplifierUFP AV CR - Institute of Plasma Physics
2-channel isolation amplifier for measurement during plasma torch tests
2-channel isolation amplifier for monitoring of plasma torch voltage and current during sprayingUE AV CR - Electrotechnical Institute
2-channel wideband isolation amplifier ISO100EGU Praha a.s. - high voltage testing laboratory
8-channel isolation amplifier for special customer's testsVUT Brno - Energetical Institute
1-channel isolation amplifier for signal monitoring during plasma torch tests